College Infrastructure
Green Campus
Take a ride on the green side. Green technologies - going green - are bigger than the Internet. It could be the biggest economic opportunity of the 21st century.
Health Centre & First Aid
The college dispensary serves all kinds of first aid, medicines and other minor medical services as per the emergency needs. Occupied with important tools to responding to the emergency needs to ensure that injuries can be efficiently and promptly dealt with before a trained medical professional arrives.
There's a staff & Students canteen for everyone and there's a smarter restaurant for the College.
CCTV surveillance
The safety of our students is of prime importance. Our campus is monitored under 24X7 CCTV surveillance to keep a track of the activities of our students and also to get aware of any unnatural occurrences. Besides, all other corners of the college including laboratories, auditoriums, seminar halls, library and more, are vigorously monitored to ensure campus security. The recordings of the CCTV are in the hands of the most trusted authorities of the college to make sure no hindering is done.
Wi-Fi facilities
RO Water Facilities
Entire college is facilitated with the mineral water. It provides healthy and clean drinking water to staff and students. This water is provided to the classrooms, laboratory, hostel and mess.
Play Ground
Entire college is facilitated with the Indoor and Outdoor Game Facilities. Sports Ground likes Football ,Volleyball, Shuttle, etc.